
Robin Wahlig

Hello, I'm Robin, a web developer based near Mannheim, Germany. This is my personal website, where I share some blog posts that might be useful to others every now and then. Besides that, there's a list of my personal projects, so feel free to check out some of them out.

I tend to work with Typescript, Vue and other web-related tools, but I'm always learning. I also have a soft spot for Neovim and may have spent a bit too much time customizing (and troubleshooting) my config.

When I'm not sitting in front of a screen, I enjoy lifting, cycling and reading fiction.

If you'd like to connect, write me an E-Mail or find me on Discord — I'm always open to new conversations.

Recent Posts

Featured Projects

  • Hackernews

    A Hackernews client. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It's made with Nuxt and features a clean and minimalist UI to enhance legibility. Adds bookmarking functionality and various other features.

  • Dotfiles

    My dotfiles primarily consist of my Neovim, tmux and zsh config. Currently, I use Wezterm as a terminal emulator.

2023 © Robin Wahlig